Sunday, April 12, 2009

This week's topic: Fleeting

A fleeting comet sweeps across the sky. The lovers wish for they're love to be eternal...

But on earth, with Time chasing us, everything is fleeting. Echoing Robert Browning's words:

"Infine passion, and the pain

Of finite hearts that yearn."


  1. What a terrific idea! I really love your colors!

  2. this is definitely a terrific Idea! I saw a falling star last night and it was gone in an instant! greatly illustrated too! hahaha I'm the first follower! yay!

  3. Lovely one. A true example of a really well done work! excellent choice about the subject! regards

    Rui Sousa

  4. Thanks guys!!

    Yay to my first comments and follower!!
